Cloud Independence – Giving You Flexibility and Freedom to Choose

My client, Flexiion MSP asked the question: Does Cloud independence really matter? They suggested that if you’re totally confident about getting all your Cloud requirements from one Cloud hyper-scaler, then probably not. But if you need to be able to pick and choose best of breed solutions from multiple suppliers, then Cloud independence becomes much more important!

To communicate this key message I produced and published a vlog: Cloud Independence – Giving You Flexibility and Freedom to Choose

The video suggests that freedom of choice and action, agility and flexibility are all key to business decision makers as we navigate this bumpy world of opportunity and change. Cloud is a big part of this for many firms, and independence is crucial for the business. Cloud strategy and choices go beyond the technical specifications to include the needs of the business and the dynamics of change.

Issued-led marketing is very well suited to video and it’s now a major part of any content marketing strategy.

Video production used to be a highly-specialised job undertaken by a small number of agencies that charged accordingly. Things have now changed, and although basic skills and understandings of how to produce good videos, the introduction of modern software has opened up video production to a much wider market

I can offer a full start-to-finish video production service, from planning, scripting, shooting editing, publications and syndication.